Title: "Exploring PORTAL/USD Technical Analysis in 1H: AMD Breakout and Saucer Symbols, An Overview with Mr. Valienen Jean Davy"😁🌟🎉💢😍❤❤

Subtitle: "Towards New Horizons: Anticipation of Expansion Bars"🌖🌟🎉💢😍❤💥🌕

Introduction: "Dive into the captivating world of technical analysis with Mr. Valienen Jean Davy, as he dissects the evolution of PORTAL/USD in hourly timeframe. Discover how the AMD breakout, accompanied by saucer symbols and a double bottom, opens the way to new opportunities, with the aim of future expansion bars."🎉💢😍❤💥🌕💫💦

Summary: "Mr. Valienen Jean Davy offers an insightful overview of his technical analysis on PORTAL/USD in hourly timeframe. He highlights the significant breakout in AMD, reinforced by the appearance of saucer symbols and a double bottom. Successfully crossing the Fibonacci zone, notably the 0.381, 0.681 and 0.886 levels, he anticipates a correction to fill prices, before targeting the expansion bars at 1.272, 1.474 and 1.618. Follow his analyzes to seize opportunities. in the PORTAL/USD market."🎉💢😍❤💥🌕💫💦

Suggested hashtags:#PORTALUSD#AnalyseTechnique#Saucoupe#DoubleBottom#Fibonacci#Trading #ValienenJeanDavy🎉💢😍💥🌕💫💦💫