People who have experienced it tell you, 16 decisions that make people go more smoothly

1. Don't give up your career/study for anyone, because you can always meet someone better, don't be afraid.

2. Always make your own choices, because when the ending is not good, everyone will say it is your own choice.

3. Don't compromise, don't make do, life will only get worse because of your compromise.

4. Don't complain, when you are not doing well, everyone will add insult to injury, including relatives, everyone is selfish, you have to get through it alone.

5. Always believe in yourself, no matter how others hit you, say you are daydreaming, don't care, they can't pay for your life.

6. Don't analyze anyone, if you can't guess his thoughts, he definitely doesn't like you more than you think, and you will definitely feel the people who like you.

7. 80% of the time is used to improve yourself, don't be with someone who has no results, it is better to use this time to improve yourself, become a better self, and meet better people.

8. Don't think that marriage can make you once and for all, you can only rely on yourself forever, and the pie given by God has a price.

9. If you are uncomfortable, you must stay away from people immediately, because you will feel even more uncomfortable in the future.

10. Don't have an intimate relationship with anyone easily, because it is not only cheap but also takes time to get out of attachment.

11. No matter what the situation is, you must give up your feelings and unconditionally defend your interests. When everything is good, there are people who want to drag you down, so be careful in every step.

After you fall into a trough, everyone will sneer at you, stay away from you, treat you as a fool, and take advantage of you.

12. People who hurt you will not hurt you only once, so don't keep them in your life.

13. Before you do what you want to do, don't pay attention to anyone who stops you, and you can turn against anyone.

14. When you encounter bad things, you must understand that you are a victim. Even if it is your own choice, you must refuse to waste your spirit. At worst, you can start over.

15. Always believe that your destiny is in your own hands.

16. Don't let anyone enter your life easily, because they may bring you bad luck. Don't easily retain anyone. If you can lose someone, it means he doesn't belong to you.

(The more outstanding and beautiful a girl is, the less likely she is to be compatible with others. Boys’ self-esteem often doesn’t like their partner to be much better than them)

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