What is sex?

Human beings have three main natures: animality, sociality and divinity. The most basic animality is to meet physiological needs and survival needs.

1. Physiological needs are sex and reproduction.

Studies show that men still have sexual needs even when they reach middle age or old age, so most men are animals who think with their lower body, and sex life is really important to them.

Meeting physiological needs can make him happy physically and mentally and regulate the bad mood in life. Therefore, most men fall in love because of sex.

A smart woman will manage the married life with care, use sexual harmony to tie the man's heart, and thus retain the man's love and money.

In addition, for men, pursuing women is a hunter mentality, and there is always the attraction of new prey. Once he feels that he has "taken you" he may become cold.

Therefore, smart women always maintain a sense of mystery or independent free space, so that men always feel that you are the target of his pursuit.

What is the truth?

The animal nature of human beings determines that there is no love between men and women, because human beings are not animals that can be affectionate. Love that lasts until death goes against animal nature.

What is love between men and women?

It is the ignorant hormones of youth;

It is the naive attraction and desire of youth;

It’s the trade-offs and stakes of adulthood.

2. The need for survival is to make money, just like animals hunting.

Man comes into the world:
One is to make money,
The second is to enjoy life.

make money,
One is for yourself,
Second, for those who support themselves,

The third is the people you support.
That's where the value lies.

Wanting to make money is a desire, making money is an ability.

When it comes to making money, I divide it into herbivores and carnivores. Herbivores seem to be hardworking, working all the time, but the results are minimal and it’s quite tiring.

Carnivores eat their fill, bask in the sun, observe, and conserve their energy. They wait for the right moment to strike suddenly and win with one move. Then they rest.

That’s why I have never looked down upon those who are so hardworking that only know how to eat grass with their heads down, without using their brains to think about the rules and laws and the truth of the world, and who just repeat the same work day after day. They are the truly lazy ones.

As the saying goes: "You can't lower your head to pull the cart, you have to look up and look at the road."
That means you need to have enough time to think.
You can't be busy all day.

Why are people poor?

It means looking at the world from the perspective of a sheep.

Sheep are gentle, gregarious, non-aggressive, and have a weak sense of purpose. They lack execution and sense of purpose when it comes to making money.

They are easily satisfied and lack the initiative, especially when faced with difficulties and dangers, they choose to escape or seek support.

Those who can truly achieve great things and make a lot of money all look at the world from a hunting perspective.

Lions and tigers are both top predators:

1. Be good at observing and analyzing the current situation, and follow the trend or change with the trend according to the goal.

2. Be good at discovering and seizing opportunities. Don’t just wait for opportunities, but also be good at creating opportunities.

3. Know how to stop losses in time. If you find that a road is blocked, you can change direction and change track in time.

4. The competitive tactics are flexible and changeable, and will not stick to the old rules. As the Art of War said: There is no constant state of war, no constant shape of water. He who can win by taking advantage of the changes of the enemy is called a god.

Making money is similar to hunting.

Opportunity is the rabbit. When you see others catch the rabbit, in fact, they have been following this rabbit for a long time.

If you wait until others have killed the rabbit and eaten the meat before you go looking for rabbits, it will be too late.

Being too honest is stupid, being too smart is treacherous, being just right is the hardest, and being hypocritical is the most dangerous.

Tigers and lions have become rare protected animals, but cattle and sheep still live in herds.

Isn’t this a true reflection of human beings?

The poor masses will always be the masses, and rare protected animals will always be the social elite...

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