(Figure 1) From the daily level, the price of Bread is a cross star K-line, with intraday fluctuations of less than 2 points, and the trading volume is only one-third of the previous day. MACD is still entangled below the zero axis, and the MA30 line shows no signs of flattening, so the daily level needs to continue to adjust, with a pressure level of 63088 and a support level of 58425

(Figure 2) From the hourly level, Bread is currently rebounding at the 1-hour level, and there is no divergence pattern or weakening downward momentum. It is a range-bound oscillation trend. Today is Sunday, and this oscillating trend may continue. The support level is 60380 and the pressure level is 62000#新币挖矿 #山寨币热点 #BTC走势分析 #ETFvsBTC #Meme币你看好哪一个?