Gitcoin Grants is essentially a platform that mediates web3 projects to collect funds or donations in a decentralized environment, Crowdfunding, that is, in an open environment. Projects open a page introducing themselves on the Gitcoin site, and users who want to support the project invest the amount they wish. We can compare Gitcoin to Web2's popular platform, Kickstarter. Donating via Gitcoin does not always bring any benefit to the user, but some projects can reward donors. For example, it can give tokens or give priority in sales. We can summarize the Gitcoin Grants section this way. The platform also has a governance token called $GTC.

Let's come to Gitcoin Passport. The concept of Digital Identity in the Web3 world has been a popular topic for a while. The lack of an authentication mechanism, especially on decentralized applications, is full of fake accounts called bots. These accounts show intense participation in events that offer earning opportunities and are in a way entitled to the rights of other participants. Although platforms make efforts to prevent bots, they often cannot fully prevent them. Therefore, applications that verify user authenticity in the digital environment, such as Gitcoin, are needed. The most widely used among these applications is Gitcoin. By working in partnership with many platforms, Gitcoin Passport offers privileges to its holders. We even witness that only Gitcoin Passport holders can participate in some events. With a growing scope of validity, it will come in handy if you are an active user on the decentralized side.

To get a Gitcoin Passport, you need to go to their website and complete the tasks there. Some of the tasks he wants us to do are free tasks, such as connecting social media accounts. Additionally, there are paid tasks such as transactions you make on various platforms, owning an NFT or owning a domain to prove that you are a real Web3 user. For example, if you have any NFT, you can get points thanks to it. In this way, points are collected for each task performed. The most important issue is that our Passport score must be at least 15 for it to be valid by the platform. We can say that it is very difficult to complete 15 points with free missions. Also, the 15 point limit is for them. For example, let's say platform X is making an airdrop. As a condition for benefiting from this Airdrop, a Gitcoin Passport holder with 20 or more points can be eligible for wallets. Or some projects may request 15+ points for participation in their events or extra benefits. That's why min. It would be useful to try to make 15.

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