Someone asked: Is it difficult to make a hundred times in the cryptocurrency circle?

I said, it is as difficult as eating shit.

Unexpectedly, this answer angered the public.

A bunch of elementary school students who graduated from junior high school came here to spray wantonly, saying that Ben Ge had no vision, and then posted a screenshot of themselves, 100 yuan, and made 3,000 yuan by getting an unknown dog.

I was scared, and quickly gave him a thumbs up, it was really awesome.

I don’t know if the young people have any misunderstandings about the cryptocurrency circle, or if they have hemorrhoids in their heads, and they came in, knowing nothing, and can they drink the chicken soup in the cryptocurrency circle as wine, and not get drunk?

Have you ever thought about it, who loses money if everyone makes money? Where does the money come from? Of course, they will definitely not think about it, and their minds are full of thoughts, breaking the circle, revolution, decentralization...

However, these are all false propositions.

Or, they imagine themselves to be the next Sun Ge, Li Kulai, please, wake up, do you have the ability to fool people?

99% of the cognition of leeks is controlled by the sickle.

Lei Jun denies rumors, holding 4 billion cold in the trough period.

Zhang Chaoyang said, Ma Huateng, QQ is sold for 90 million dollars.

Jia Yueting said, there is no trust, 500 million trust is nonsense.

Yes, the popular jokes and chicken soup you can see on the Internet are all nonsense.

The currency circle is even more so, a bunch of benchmarking Bitcoin projects, and there are still shadows? A group of companies claiming to be blockchain 8.0 have already run away.

In other words, most of the hundred-fold coins are jokes, what is the real currency circle?

1. These few days, countless people have been liquidated and returned to zero

2. A few days ago, a lot of people were deeply trapped in the new listing

3. I am confused tomorrow and the day after tomorrow, where should I go?

It will only get harder and harder to make money in the currency circle.