More and more people are discovering the thinking of retail investors and major shareholders.

They are two completely different investment logics.

The logic of retail investors is that I carefully select a potential stock, buy it with tens of thousands of dollars, and then lie down and wait for you to make it ten times.

The logic of major shareholders is that I select a high-quality target, and after tens of millions of financing, I will enter the board of directors, formulate development strategies, participate in corporate governance, and help him make it ten times.

The reason why most girls fail in choosing potential stocks is the same, because there are no retail investors in a marriage relationship. Even if there are, their rights and interests are not protected by law. There is only one real shareholder.

However, too many girls have become major shareholders of potential stocks with the investment mentality of retail investors. After the investment fails, they complain that the project party "does not do anything". In this case, it is better to find a blue chip stock and become his "retail investor". If you can't get control, at least you can get dividends...