Several signs of the coming of the bull market in the cryptocurrency circle. After reading carefully, you will seize the opportunity in the early stage of the bull market.

1. More and more people are shorting, but they can't short no matter how hard they try.

2. All kinds of junk coins are rising, and even the rise is illogical.

3. You ask most people if they have become rich, but their answer is that they cut their losses at a low point and are still waiting to buy at the bottom, but the price is getting higher and higher.

4. More and more people around you ask you what coins to buy, and even many people who have never bought coins want to give you money.

5. Halving, interest rate cuts, and raising the debt ceiling, the good news is endless, and the bullets can never be used up.

6. How long the horizontal is, how high the vertical is, and even all the horizontals added together are not as high as the vertical.

7. Although it is crazy, there are not many people on the bus.

8. I feel like I missed 100 million every day.

9. I was surprised when it rose a few points every day, but now it feels mediocre when it rises dozens of points every day.

10. You will find that it is not that difficult to get rich overnight in the cryptocurrency circle as long as you dare to build a position.

#ETH #BTC走势分析 #山寨币热点 #5月市场关键事件

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