Which coins should be deployed in this market, and which sectors are easier to pull the market [focus on! Layout in advance] 💹💹💹

First of all, the outbreak of each round of bull market is accompanied by the outbreak of the main narrative to drive the market heat. The last round of bull market was led by the outbreak of Defi of major public chains. So which sectors should be focused on in this round of bull market?

1⃣AI sector

This round is beyond doubt that AI has set off a wave of rising sectors, and at the same time, the AI ​​wave in the external global market has created the strength of this sector. This round of AI must be a main narrative sector. The characteristics of this sector currency are that the rise is continuous, funds are actively flowing in, and each decline and rebound performance is better. This is also one of the key points to pay attention to in the future.

Google will hold a developer conference on May 14, and AI is the top priority of this conference, so this is a positive for the AI ​​sector this month. The second positive is that Nvidia's financial report will be announced on May 22, and the market is expected to grow by 400% year-on-year, and Nvidia's stock price has also begun to soar recently, taking various AI projects with it.

2⃣MEME coin

The Meme coin sector adheres to the characteristics of fair issuance and full circulation without unlocking. The Meme coin model is fairer, so this round of performance is extremely eye-catching. The fully circulated Meme coin gives the dealer real money to buy and accumulate if he wants to control the market. At the same time, the subsequent pull-up will be more fierce than other coins, and retail investors are more willing to follow the purchase. The excellent liquidity also provides more convenient conditions for the final shipment, so this situation is what everyone wants to see. This is also one of the main narratives of this round.

3⃣SOL ecology

The transaction and issuance of sol are extremely smooth and the cost is relatively low, especially the last round of sol due to ftx, which caused the bear market price to be seriously underestimated, and there are still investment institutions on Wall Street in the United States behind it. That is, compared with the situation in which Ethereum is the only dominant force, this round is more about issuing Meme coins, and it has become one of the top 3 in the currency circle ecology, but the overall ecological valuation is actually low, which also means that there is greater room for development in the future, which is worth paying attention to!

The above are the three main narratives, and these three narratives will continue throughout the bull market. The main narrative is that it is the leader when the market is good and relatively resistant to declines when the market is bad. The upward trend of the big cycle is obviously higher than the previous one, with obvious highs and lows. At the same time, after the market adjusts, the leading stock that starts again generally rebounds the most violently.

Here is another special sector, which is basically directional.

4⃣ Sports Fan Tokens

With the European Cup approaching in June, digital currencies associated with football clubs, events or related businesses may gain more attention and use. These cryptocurrencies may be used for various purposes, such as purchasing club merchandise, voting rights, admission tickets, and as rewards or means of payment for football-related activities.

In the current market, pay close attention to the coins in the above sectors and make arrangements in advance, otherwise no matter how big the bull market is, it will have nothing to do with you! Want to know more sharp operation strategies? Which potential coins are ambushed in advance? Then I suggest you follow me. And contact Caishen through the homepage. One-on-one analysis of your position. Remember, opportunities are always reserved for those who are prepared.

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