Many young people have no concept of money. They don't even have 30,000 or 50,000 yuan in their pockets, but they always think that 1.8 million or 80,000 yuan is a small amount of money.

The younger you are, the more you should be vigilant and exercise your ability to make money. Don't borrow money and get into debt easily.

Some young people, who obviously only earn 3,000 or 4,000 yuan a month and don't save more than 10,000 yuan a year, or can't save any money at all, dare to get into debt, either online loans or credit cards. They don't have the ability to make money, but they have the ability to spend money. At first, they spent 3,000 or 50,000 yuan, and finally rolled to hundreds of thousands of yuan.

It's fun to spend money, but when it's time to pay it back, you realize that money is a tiger. Your monthly income is not even enough to pay the interest. You fall into a debt trap at a young age. At the least, you lose your reputation, and at the worst, you drag your family down.

You must understand this truth. Money is hard to make. You should take on debt according to your ability, or even not take on debt. Don't think that you will make a lot of money one day. Every dollar you take on debt will eventually be a stone that overwhelms you.

If you feel helpless, confused, and can't see the direction in terms of debt, you can try SolAi's free airdrop event. Log in to get airdrop coins. The airdrop rewards were issued at 10 o'clock last night, and the airdrop event will end after they are sent out.

SolAi will be launched on major platforms in 25 days. Don't miss this good opportunity

Keep a steady mindset and steady steps, improve your ability to make money step by step, and prefer to live a hard life rather than easily go into debt. Stay sober, so that you can survive the spring famine stage of life when you are young and confused, so that you will not be heavily in debt and have no way to go later.