In this market, which sectors are easier to pull up?

First of all, behind every market boom, there are one or more dominant stories or trends. Looking back, the rise of Defi led the last bull market. Now, AI has undoubtedly become the focus of the market. It has not only driven the rise of related sectors, but also attracted a large influx of funds. The currencies in the AI ​​sector usually have the potential for continued growth, and they rebound strongly after a decline, which is worthy of our long-term attention.

Another eye-catching sector is Meme coin. This full circulation and fair issuance model has won the favor of the market. Compared with those projects in the past with opaque information and easy to be manipulated by the project party, Meme coin provides retail investors with a fairer opportunity to participate. Due to its full circulation characteristics, the dealer must buy real money to control the market, which also makes Meme coin more powerful when pulling up the market. Retail investors are also more willing to follow the purchase, forming a good market liquidity.

Sol ecology is also a direction worthy of attention. The Sol public chain itself is an efficient and low-cost trading and issuance platform. In the last round, affected by the FTX incident, the price of Sol was seriously underestimated. But now, with the development of Sol ecology, especially the rise of Meme coins, Sol has become the forefront of the cryptocurrency ecology. Although the overall ecological valuation is low, it also means that it has great development potential.

In addition to these main narratives, there are some special sectors that deserve our attention. For example, fan sports tokens, altcoins with smaller market capitalization, and currencies in the bankrupt sector. These sectors can often bring unexpected returns in certain periods. But it should be noted that the operational risks of these sectors are also relatively high, so we need to be cautious and adopt short-term operation strategies to stop when we see good results.

Observing Binance's gain list is also a good strategy. When there are more coins in a certain sector on the gain list, it means that this sector is relatively strong in the short term. We can find related coins based on this clue to observe and operate. Of course, this requires us to have a certain market sensitivity and analytical ability.

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