@Everyone 5.11 Trend Analysis and Operation Suggestions,

The current price of Bitcoin is 60800 and Ethereum is 2914. Yesterday’s negative decline was very impressive. The trend was completely deviated from expectations, resulting in more than 2,000 points of profit for long orders. Instead of running away, they made hundreds of points! At present, Bitcoin still needs to be inserted before entering the market! Don’t worry, it’s time to test our patience again! If the weekly line repairs the expectation of the previous insertion, the weekly line will consolidate for a long time! There is no room for operation in the short term for small coins, because it is difficult to run out of many points, so the operation should be relatively reduced! The weekly consolidation time will be about four or five weeks! Only then can the indicators be repaired completely! Then we will consider that long-term leverage is the best! In the short term, the trend is oscillating, and both long and short positions are possible! Just control the opening frequency and winning rate!

Then the daily line is looking at a drop of 6w today. It has been consolidating at 60,800. Let’s see if there will be a pin at night! It is also a weekend market, so there is no need for too much operation, and the volatility is also very small! Bitcoin 4-hour chart shows a downward opening. It is critical to predict the daily line by looking at the injection position! Bitcoin short-term pressure level is 61800 63300 Support level is 60100 59300

For Ethereum, pay attention to the second bottoming of the Ethereum and Bitcoin exchange rates. If the short-term trend of the four-hour chart is not synchronized, you can enter Ethereum appropriately! The key position here is the second bottoming of the exchange rate! Ethereum short-term pressure level is 2972 ​​3043 Support level is 2850 2690#ETH #BTC走势分析