Why do you lose so much in the cryptocurrency circle! See how many of them you have!


Start adding positions when you lose money, the more you add, the more you lose, the more you lose, the more you add, and finally you are trapped. This is the usual practice of leeks, and it is also the culprit for losing money in the cryptocurrency circle.


Put all your bullets on a copycat coin. Once you are trapped, you will never recover.


Rely too much on technical indicators, and study technology day after day and year after year. All the technologies that appear are tools for dealers to harvest retail investors. The better the technology, the more miserable you die. Remember, the technology in the cryptocurrency circle is limited to the rise, and it is basically ineffective when it falls. If you encounter it by chance, it is also a bait.


Frequent trading may make you sell good coins. The key is that frequent trading will make you chase the rise and fall all the time, which will seriously affect your mentality and sleep, and put yourself in a place of no return.

Brother Chuang’s own investment research team has studied a very good track, and it is expected to increase by more than 30% in the short term, and the long-term 5 to 10 times bull market funds. The more you rely on, the more considerable you will be!

If you can follow the layout of spot, please add me. There are 15 places for experience research passwords, free of charge! After eating the meat, you can be willing to reward! ! !

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I will not let my fans miss out in this bull market! This is the truth👈!