A quick overview of popular currency circles within 3 hours (from CoinsRadar.net):

[Currency price fluctuations]

1. [Contract] Within 3 hours, the following currencies fluctuated the fastest, and there may be investment opportunities!

#BEL +4.28% #SSV +3.35% #FRONT +3.32% ;#USTC -2.15% #SUI -2.1% AVAX -2.08%

[Spot] Within 3 hours, the following currencies fluctuated the fastest, and there may be investment opportunities!

QI +5.48% MBOX +5.1% BEL +4.29% ;OAX -6.5% CITY -2.39% SUI -2.14%

[Important information]

1. Coolpad Group's wholly-owned subsidiary purchased $27.86 million in crypto assets

2. The address that defrauded 1,155 wBTC has returned more than 96% of the funds to the victims

3. LayerZero released the Protocol RFP proposal and determined the first step of TGE allocation

4. BTC broke through $61,000

5. Apple is close to reaching an agreement with OpenAI to apply ChatGPT to iPhone

6. Quantitative trading company Susquehanna International Group holds a total of $1.3 billion in Bitcoin ETF

7. Parallel Network: All NFT collection oracles have been updated

8. Fidelity FBTC had a net inflow of $5.3 million yesterday

9. US Department of Justice: The indictment against Tornado Cash has nothing to do with "freedom of speech"

10. The circulation of USDC decreased by $100 million in the past week, and the total circulation is $33 billion

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