As soon as the US inflation data was released, it was very clear‼ ️BTC's 60,000 mark will definitely not be able to hold‼ ️In addition, the second-in-command of the Federal Reserve just released a signal of interest rate hike again, and the entire market is in a state of extreme panic‼ ️

In the previous views, I have mentioned to you more than once that Bitcoin's 60,000 will definitely be broken, and this time the break is different from the usual. It will not fall to 58,000 to 56,000 as before and then quickly rise back to 60,000. This time the break is likely to be a long-term consolidation repair shock below 60,000. In other words, after falling below 60,000, it will not beat 60,000 again in the short term. The high probability is that it will continue to be a sideways shock repair below 60,000, up and down. Then our short orders are also given three consecutive entries. The first short order entered the highest point of 3220. At that time, the public article suggested shorting 3220, and it was very clear to everyone at that time that the subsequent trend was to wash out the airdrop. The decline is still not over, and he still needs to wash out these shorts. All the rises are just to deceive the shorts to take profits‼ ️

Finally, the last and biggest wave of decline occurred. Because from the liquidation map, the longs have basically been liquidated, and the remaining ones are the shorts that have not taken profits, but the entire Bitcoin decline has definitely not stopped, so the best choice is to rebound slightly to the 65,000 area, while inducing more and making the shorts unable to withstand the pressure to stop losses or high-level short orders to take profits‼ ️Then the institutions and dog outfits behind them must find a way to clear these shorts, so we have already told you about the market some time ago, and the entire market is called washing out airdrops. Instead of skyrocketing airdrops, the skyrocketing has not yet come to the current rise just to make the shorts take profits‼ ️

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