I never diss someone,

but recently too many people have been carving distribution charts,

and then two voices appeared:

1, standard distribution, BTC is finished, it will go to 40,000.

2, distribution is a piece of shit, now it is re-carved to 38,500 and it will go up.

BTC market is very complicated, just follow it, if you want to predict,

it is also to predict several trends and corresponding trading plans.

Many authors who wrote Wyckoff books have emphasized:

Don't pay attention to certain nouns or appearances, but look at the connotation.

On the contrary, everyone does not read the book, and directly carves a bunch of Wyckoff nouns,

carving charts, these are meaningless.

I am not always profitable, I often get beaten,

I just hope that everyone will not stick to the boat to find the sword,

reading the book is only the first step, and reviewing is the most important.
