2024 violent bull market, a must-win strategy in May, you don’t know it yet.

These coins will go against the sky next!

1. From the beginning of this round of bull market to now.

It can be said that many people, even KOLs with lower financial experience, have not seen its essence clearly. They are still blindly following the experience of the previous bull market, or looking at K-line contracts all day long!

In April, I gave the general direction of bottom-fishing. An AI, an RWA, and a meme have all made up for the rise in the past few days. Standing on the first place in the increase list, the fans who followed have made money

But these are not the end of these sectors, they can only be said to be a small test.

Today. Fans coin, ASR also ranks first in the increase.

And this is just the beginning, and the European coin has not really arrived yet.

It can be said that Fans Coin is a must-win project for a month. No matter how high the increase is, at least you can make money. In the bull market plus the European Cup, who else do you buy if you don’t buy it!

2. Why? I tell you why!

From the beginning of the bull market to now, the early stage is the same as most people predicted, but now, the expected rotation has not been well reflected.

Individual whales have less and less influence on the currency circle, and instead, a large amount of capital is in control after ETFs. The right to speak in the currency circle has changed from miners and whales to institutions and the Federal Reserve.

Cryptocurrency is no longer a paradise for a few individuals. The right to speak on the rise and fall of most old currencies is in the hands of institutions and project parties.

Last year, a fan said, Brother Dao, why do you always recommend gambling dogs.

Why do I pay so much attention to the meme sector in this round of bull market. I don’t need to wash its strength

1. On the contrary, concept coins like meme are more in line with the original intention of decentralization.

It has also become the choice of most retail investors,

2. As for AI, Brother Dao doesn’t need to say much. In the past two years, AI has developed. Your car, your mobile phone, your office software, where is artificial intelligence not used.

It is a development trend and will rise.

3. RWA, why does BlackRock hold a large position? The digitization of real-world assets will also be a future development. You just need to know this.

Seeing this, some fans have asked, Brother Dao, I understand, but which coin is it? There are so many coins in these sectors you mentioned.

Okay! I always ignore that I am a professional financial analyst and unconsciously bring you in.

It's very simple. BTC can't go up for the time being, so most of the altcoins won't rise either.

Those that can rise are all due to strong capital injection, just observe.

If you don't know how to observe, then it's just as simple.

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