Simple logic understanding, the operation logic of the platform with higher handling fees is to focus on the handling fees, and the platform with lower handling fees may focus on your principal. Novice users, keep in mind one thing, only do the three major platforms, don't touch any other platforms, at the beginning, if you don't understand this market, there is no problem in paying a little more handling fees. With the in-depth understanding in the later stage, if you are lucky enough to know the operation logic of some second-tier platforms, you can indeed perform some operations under the condition of confirming safety. There are good trading platforms on the market, but for ordinary users, the three major platforms are always your first choice. Don't pay too much attention to the handling fee issue in transactions. There are still many problems in the second-tier platforms. Don't trust anyone easily.

At present, Lao Cui has only one deceived user who has recovered the funds. The method is what Lao Cui said above. If you don't have the contact information of the previous owner, don't switch platforms. The most obvious way of being deceived is the U business of the three major platforms. Lao Cui is also very puzzled about this. How can he be deceived every time? Each platform has its own rules. It is best not to have too much contact with U merchants. The contact between everyone and them only exists at the transaction level. After gaining everyone's trust, it is easy to be led astray. Since May, no less than 30 people have found Lao Cui. Lao Cui has no right to judge, so he can only ask everyone to avoid this kind of risk. + Lao Cui shi9527111 More levels still require everyone to be vigilant about risks. Small platforms will definitely be deceived, and with the connection of U merchants, it is even more unstable. Everyone only needs to sort out one idea. Obviously, U merchants are suppliers of the three major platforms, why do they want to lead everyone away from other platforms?