The most stable way to get out of the cryptocurrency circle

Wait (but I believe you can't wait)

Wait until the bear market is bottoming out

In the bear market, it is the most stable way to invest in bottoming out and hoard coins

Try to use large exchanges for deposits, and store the coins you have copied in your wallet

When bottoming out, you should also copy BTC, ETH, DOGE, BNB and other high-market-value or sector-leading coins to reduce the possibility of running away and returning to zero

Learn a little about the economic model of the currency to avoid copying the next Luna

Pay attention to information such as additional issuance, mergers, unlocking, forks, and large-scale holdings of coins by project parties. Pay attention to the news in the cryptocurrency circle, but don't indulge in it

Then you will feel that it is meaningless to bottom out the leading coin in the next bull market, which can only increase five or ten times at most. Are you afraid that you can't make money?

But can you accurately find and hold the coins that can increase a hundred or a thousand times?

During this period, you may be attracted by some new projects (dogs). No matter how fancy the project party is, don't forget that most of them will end with Rug zero.

I can't predict what will happen in the bear market.

Project parties run away, dealers lure more and more, liquidity decreases, trading volume is pitifully small, retail investors lose money and leave, and even institutions go bankrupt.

No matter how bleak the market is, don't forget to invest at the bottom.

Buy when no one cares, sell when the crowd is noisy, this is an eternal truth.

No matter what price you enter the market, start investing at a price lower than your expectations. Don't sell coins when the price continues to fall. Don't feel that you are missing out and chase high after the price rises. Buy at a low point in the bear market. This is investing at the bottom.

Before the next bull market comes, all of this is the bottom (for example, buy some dogs below $0.1 at random).

Are you worried that it will never go back up? So do you think the central bank's water release will stop? Will the halving of BTC and the destruction of ETH disappear?

"The world situation is changing constantly. When the iron curtain between the East and the West falls again, the cryptocurrency based on blockchain technology will become the only free currency that shuttles between the iron curtains."

You can always trust cryptocurrency

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