#ETH #Megadrop #5月市场关键事件

After many years in the circle, have you ever dreamed of getting rich overnight? Come and see how the blogger fantasizes about his life after earning 20 million!

If I really earn 20 million, I will first buy a large flat in the city center, about 500 square meters, and then ask the most professional designer to design the decoration style to make the house full of style.

Next, I will buy a U8, which is low-key and mature.

Of course, I will continue to invest in the currency circle, leaving 2 million as a family risk prevention fund, and investing all the rest. I will buy Bitcoin in the bear market, and then buy some Ethereum and public chains, hoping that they will bring me more benefits.

But the reality is cruel. For low-level retail investors, it is almost impossible to make 20 million in the currency circle. Because retail investors have limited funds, once the currency price rises, they often can't help but sell, thus missing out on a larger increase.

Moreover, the volatility of the cryptocurrency market is extremely high. Once it falls, they may lose all their money. Therefore, we must have a clear understanding and not blindly pursue wealth and freedom. Instead, we must be down-to-earth, do our own work well, and accumulate more experience and ability.

Having money does not necessarily mean happiness. What is important is how we face our own life. What are your expectations for life after making a lot of money? Come to the comment area to chat!