Keep the iron rule of the currency circle in mind, and wealth will come naturally!

First, do not easily get involved in those currencies with complex and unclear situations. Speculating in currencies is like picking persimmons, the soft ones are easier to squeeze. Only by choosing clear currencies can you move forward steadily.

Second, do not invest all your funds in the same currency at once, even if you are confident in it. The market changes rapidly and the future is difficult to predict. Buying in batches can reduce risks and make steady profits.

Third, it is recommended to pay less attention to currencies that are not on the rising track. Don't accompany the main force to build positions. Retail investors have limited time and energy, and should focus on valuable investments.

Fourth, don't fantasize about making big money through frequent short-term operations. Frequent entry and exit will only make you lose a lot, while the exchange will accept the profits. At the same time, don't buy too many currencies, it is best to control it within 10, otherwise you will find it difficult to manage. Remember, you can't chew too much, and you can win by focusing.

Fifth, low prices and large declines are not reasons to buy. The price of the currency may continue to fall, so be sure to stay calm and don't be confused by the low price.

Sixth, high prices and large increases are not reasons to refuse to buy or sell. The market is always full of variables, and the price of the currency may continue to rise.

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