There are several types of people around me who have become rich through Bitcoin.

1. When Bitcoin was worth tens or hundreds of yuan, there were a few players who had a lot of money and loved to play games and bought it for fun. Just like spending money on games, they bought hundreds or thousands of Bitcoins, and then Bitcoin went up like crazy, but the players didn’t pay attention until 2017 when Bitcoin went up like crazy at a price close to 100,000 RMB. The players slapped their foreheads and thought, “Wow, I still have thousands of Bitcoins.” They cashed out at high prices, got hundreds of millions of yuan, and left one or two thousand Bitcoins, and then began to hang around major exchanges to become their diamond customers. The average age of this type of player is in their twenties, and they were also naughty kids back then (the youngest I met was born in 1995). This is the first type.

2. When Bitcoin first entered the public eye in 2013, people who were engaged in cross-border transactions were more sensitive to it, because cross-border trade originally involved currency exchange, and currency exchange had to go through various bank procedures and various time differences. In summary, the weakness of traditional financial currency exchange lies here. The process is cumbersome, the procedures are complicated, and there are handling fees, and there is also exchange rate risk. Then a few big bosses suddenly thought, eh? Bitcoin is good, cross-border payment is "a bit interesting." Then they used the global liquidity of Bitcoin as a way to exchange currency and began to buy a large number of Bitcoins as a means of exchange. As a result, the business has not seen much improvement. The bitcoins bought from a few hundred suddenly jumped to tens of thousands. The small bosses were very happy. They saved the handling fees and took advantage of the rise and fall of Bitcoin. They were very happy. Then they continued to expand and continued to use Bitcoin for currency exchange. This type of people are generally people in the real industry but not the traditional financial industry. They have their own fixed shipping and purchase channels, fixed partners, and are relatively strong, excluding Bitcoin. This is the second type.

3. When Bitcoin° just entered the domestic market, the impact was not high. When foreign ICO project parties were doing it, some regions in China also jumped up and down. Some people saw the potential of Bitcoin but had no patience and did not know how to speculate in coins. There was no internal staff of Bitcoin China° (then a relatively powerful exchange). What should they do? Scratching their heads, we don’t know how to speculate in coins, but we have electricity~ We can mine!! Does it matter if there are risks in speculating in coins? Can’t I do it with less risk? People in Southwest China, Inner Mongolia, Xinjiang, and Dalian, which are rich in wind power, thermal power, and hydropower resources, began to collect CPUs at low prices, and then connected a few wires, built a broken factory, and started mining. At that time, the block reward was still dozens of bits, and the monthly income from producing bits was a huge profit, a million yuan, and the difficulty of mining was small. In addition, there were resources to get electricity at a low price (free), so there was nothing to spend except the money for a few broken processors. While mining coins, selling coins, eating, drinking, and having fun, expanding the mine, and updating the mining machine, they looked back and realized that they were worth billions. This type of people has mixed qualities, concentrated in the central region, mostly in their 30s and 40s, with plenty of money, few tricks, few cryptocurrencies, and the ability to easily build a power station for you, preferring to drink and go to KTV for fun (who says people in the central region can't drink? I almost drank myself to death??). This is the third type.

4. Some people have been exposed to Bitcoin since the mid-term. Bitcoin costs 30,000 to 50,000 yuan, and I can only buy 20 to 30 with 1 million yuan. Damn! It's a loss. Others cost 1,000 to 200 yuan, but my cost is too high. What should I do if I don't have that much money? It doesn't matter. My gold-rimmed urinal is good in my mouth. There are so many leeks, so I can cut them. I have some connections and resources to start projects and marketing, and bring a group of people to invest in Bitcoin with real money, and then start to make money. For example, the brother who invited Buffett to have lunch has a good marketing. This type of people are basically young, in their twenties or thirties, with super marketing ability. They use the Bitcoin consensus algorithm ° to do projects and list coins, in exchange for bits or U in the hands of leeks, and start to be high above, starting the career of Mr. Sun, Mr. Zhao, and Mr. Li. This is the fourth type.

5. Some gamblers saw how others made money and started to get jealous. They thought they could do it too and started to sell houses and land and mortgage cars. As soon as Bitcoin futures were launched, they couldn't wait to start depositing money crazily, especially the crazy surge at the end of 2017. They shorted 100,000 and kept rising. They mortgaged their cars and added margin a. It was 110,000, so they added more! They sold their houses and it was 120,000, so they added more! They mortgaged their companies. What do you think will be the fate of gamblers? A margin call? Nothing? The end result is that Bitcoin fell from 20,000 US dollars to 3,500 US dollars, a 75% decrease. They started to make profits (earn coins by shorting), and their cars, houses, and dowries were all returned. They also had hundreds of coins in their hands, and then they started to buy back and go long. Then this year, Bitcoin rose to 10,000 US dollars again, and the leverage ratio a also increased from 10 times to 50 times. I call this kind of people "mad dogs" because they have a tendency to gamble their lives. No matter what the market is, they will go all-in when they see the right market. This kind of people can go short at the time of crazy growth, but they will not stop profit. Some people enter the market with 100 yuan and get out of it when they get 200 yuan. Mad dogs enter the market with all their assets and will never leave the market unless they make a profit. They rely on courage (gambling nature) and luck, and luck accounts for the majority (we dare not mess with this kind of people, just politely call them Mr. Xiao X, and that's it). This is the fifth type.

6. My programmer brother makes only 20,000 or 30,000 yuan a month, and feels that life is meaningless. His girlfriend is meaningless and he feels very insignificant. He came into contact with Bitcoin and read the routine of Bitcoin. He put on glasses, which reflected blue light. He typed codes one after another, analyzed various Sharp data and spreads, connected to the API and started testing, and began to trade by himself. He analyzed various data since Bitcoin entered the market, looked at Blockchain Q and open source code. Suddenly he found that this thing has a strategy, and then he started to write his own strategy, got a few coins and started to run high frequency, and then the rate of return was as high as 300%, snowballing all the way, and he became financially free in 3 years. This kind of people is a money-making machine without emotions. I think it may be that the numbers bring them climax (to be honest). They are too pure and unselfish. They are ruthless and don't talk much. They wear plaid shirts and small motorcycles every day (later changed to G-Class). Rational, extremely rational, not only rational, but also can use data to analyze market sentiment. Not only can he run transactions with robots, but he is also a big shot in manual operations. He never loses his mind because of a sudden rise, nor does he collapse because of a fall. In his words, "Money doesn't matter, what's important is fun." I always feel that this sentence is pretentious. This is the sixth type.