Choose the best for you

I know many of you really want to trade this segment. Even looking for short trades to overcome losses. But I am sure that taking too much action at this stage of illiquidity will cause more harm.

The best strategy for most people is HODL. And for those who like to trade, the second most suitable strategy is spot. Most of you are not in this industry, so how can you win and take money from people who are more experienced than you?

Of course, there are many people who consider full-time trading, but not all. For those who want to make a career in trading, it is a long-term career and there is no specific formula.

Some future groups may say differently. Even if the leader of the group is very good in this field and they make real money, people who follow Futu bets are still mostly excluded. Simply because not everyone can accumulate enough quality and quantity like that trader.

Trading is very difficult. Successful trading requires many factors. For me, I hold most of the time and trade when the game is easy.

Understand who you are, where you are, what is your position in this game, and what type of personality is suitable when playing the game.

The bull market is still there. A lot of crazy things are going to happen in the next 6 months, year. But if you choose the wrong path, you will still be lost.

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