Short-term strategy:

Currency: CHZ - spot

Time: 1-4 weeks

Recommended index: three and a half stars

Entry point: around 0.12-0.11 (open positions in batches)

Take profit: 0.14-0.15-0.16 (take profit in batches)

Stop loss: 0.099

Position: 5% of total position

(Operation points: Encryption is risky, strictly set stop loss when entering the market, and move the stop loss price up to the cost price after reaching the first take profit to protect profits)

Recommendation reason: CHZ is the leader of the sports sector. Compared with other currencies in the sector, it has the largest trading volume. The European Cup (a football match between European countries) will officially open on June 14, 2024, and the event will last for 1 month. There is still about a month until the opening of the European Cup

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