#新币挖矿 #ETH #山寨币热点 #Meme币你看好哪一个?

1) Background
Have you noticed? In every bull market, there is always a group of freeloaders who believe that aptos has created a lot of value.

In fact, everyone has a misunderstanding that wooling is a low-level thing. In fact, in my opinion, anything that can make money is not low-level, and in fact, many people have become rich by wooling. A friend of mine has made 20 million by wooling, and even 3 million US dollars just by using the atops mentioned above.

We hold the attitude that it is stupid not to make money, so why not participate? From a certain perspective, compared with the posting of projects and the secondary market, the profit and loss ratio of rubbing is better. The biggest cost of rubbing lies in manpower and time, not investment (this perspective is one-sided)

2) Infrastructure construction
This first video mainly explains to everyone how to build the infrastructure for bulk wool from a professional perspective.

Fingerprint browser or cloud server
Let’s start with the most basic tools. What tools do you plan to use as the basis for bulk wool pulling, fingerprint browser, or cloud server?

Cloud servers and fingerprint browsers each have their own advantages and disadvantages.

Commonly used fingerprint browsers include https://bitbrowser.cn and https://hubstudio.io

Both of these fingerprint browsers can be used.

If you don't want to use fingerprint browser, you can send me a private message @Btc_uilder. I recommend a cloud server manufacturer. It is very good at the moment.

Comparison chart

IP Tools
As for IP tools: There are actually many recommended ones on the market. I tried two of them and found that:

Please join the discord community: https://discord.com/invite/vJGTS2AU2N… Contact Gong Xi Fa Cai|Snowba l #1384to receive it

Group control software
Please join the discord community: https://discord.com/invite/vJGTS2AU2N… Contact Gong Xi Fa Cai|Snowba l #1384to receive it

Account Purchase
It is recommended to directly complete the setup of email, Twitter, and DC at the beginning. Complete the registration of GitHub at the same time. This is to prepare for long-term account maintenance. Here is a small reminder: the risk of the account you purchase being blocked is also very high, so be prepared for the worst result of being blocked after a long period of time.

Channels for buying accounts: There are many channels, depending on your needs. I use many channels, you can choose any one you like. If you have a better channel, you are welcome to recommend it:

Please join the discord community: https://discord.com/invite/vJGTS2AU2N… Contact Gong Xi Fa Cai|Snowba l #1384for consultation

Here is one thing to remind you: after purchasing a Google mailbox, be sure to log in as soon as possible in an environment that meets the requirements and change your password and auxiliary verification mailbox, mobile phone number, etc. Do not use the same password and auxiliary verification mailbox for all mailboxes.


Please join the discord community: https://discord.com/invite/vJGTS2AU2N… Contact Gong Xi Fa Cai|Snowba l #1384for consultation

Twitter and DC purchases:

Please join the discord community: https://discord.com/invite/vJGTS2AU2N… Contact Gong Xi Fa Cai|Snowba l #1384for consultation

Remember to change your Twitter password, email address, etc.

How to obtain high-quality project information.
In fact, the simplest way

First, you can pay more attention to some of the top wool KOLs. After all, they have experience, have made money and proved themselves, and are willing to share.














For example, you can pay attention to investment projects of leading institutions in the industry, or you can conduct self-analysis and judgment.

3) Core ability to make money by pulling wool
Information Discovery

Information Filtering

Persistence, regardless of bull or bear

Learn to give up. The core meaning of this sentence is that a person's energy is limited. Everyone must not take advantage of every opportunity, or be influenced by the market, pay attention to too many hot spots, and disrupt their own rhythm.

These four abilities are the core characteristics of whether you can make money in bull and bear markets

4 Conclusion
Wool is a good business and it is worth persisting in it for a long time.