You should know that you are currently in a big bull market cycle. This round of bull market will definitely be unusual and will rise to a very high position, but it will experience repeated washing, repeated accumulation, and spikes and plummets. At this time, patience and firm confidence are particularly important, and advance information and sensitive market perception are clear.

Position management is also not to be underestimated. Hold back greed and refuse to blow up. Spot patiently wait for the opportunity, no longer bargain hunting, but stage entry

If newcomers want to make a profit, the first thing they need is to understand the general trend, and then learn position management and K-line. If you really don’t know, listen to me and identify the AI, MEME and RWA sectors.

This round of bull market is institutional bull market. So far, only these sectors can stand out under institutional control. The financial world controlled by institutions is not so decentralized in terms of ups and downs.

You have to understand that there are big countries above the institutions, and the competition between big countries is a lot like that of the Jewish consortium.

If you still don’t know how to operate, you can contact me privately. I will teach you how to build positions and layouts step by step. I will be with you in real time. I will provide not only strategies, but more importantly, guide your trading ideas and directions. Irregular tactics teaching + flexible use of indicators will help you transform from a novice to a trading expert and establish your own trading system.

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