Odaily Planet Daily News Last night, the 187th meeting of the Ethereum Core Developers Executive Meeting (ACDE) was held. Christine Kim, vice president of Galaxy Research, published an article summarizing the key information of this meeting. The most noteworthy topic of this meeting is the update of EIP-3074. Before the start of this meeting, Ethereum co-founder Vitalik proposed an alternative version of EIP-3074, EIP-7702. In the discussion of this meeting, participants generally had a positive attitude towards EIP-7702, but also agreed that important details about EIP-7702 still need to be resolved, such as details on how to revoke EIP-7702 transactions and how to adjust the Gas cost of such transactions are still unclear. Christine Kim said that if EIP-7702 is included in the Pectra upgrade, the team's idea is to use it to replace EIP-3074 because EIP-7702 achieves similar results to EIP-3074 without creating new opcodes. Ansgar Dietrichs, a researcher at the Ethereum Foundation, suggested incorporating EIP-7702 into Pectra first and waiting for about 2 to 4 weeks before making a formal decision on whether to replace EIP-3074 with EIP-7702.