It's a pity that I didn't receive the Ondo's welfare order of 0.755 yesterday. In the previous article, we expected it to pull back to around 60,000, but BTC only pulled back to 60,700, which caused the Ondo order not to be received this time. It's a pity. However, I have reminded everyone of the risks since 64,000, and the winning rate is still good. BTC rebounded strongly yesterday. According to the Wyckoff pattern, we will focus on 65,000 points in the future.

There will be continuous updates in the future. You can pay attention to it and communicate with each other. Other currencies will continue to be updated in the future.

This post is only for daily sharing, not for any investment advice. Everyone should make a decision after considering it.


#新币挖矿 #山寨币热点 #BTC走势分析