The popularity of the inscription track has declined recently, and funds have begun to slowly flow back to other tracks. In the past two days, the prices of mining coins and GameFi coins have risen to a certain extent.

I think it would be a good opportunity to share CakePie, a liquidity staking project of #CAKE in the #PancakeSwap ecosystem.

(PancakeSwap is the largest DEX on the BSC chain, where $CAKE is its governance token, and users can pledge $CAKE in exchange for income.)

Cakepie, launched by magpie, provides users with a more stable and more profitable protocol than staking $CAKE.

Magpie had outstanding performance in the previous Radiant War and Pendle War, with TVL data of US$13M and US$89M respectively. At present, there is a high market demand in this area. We can use PenPie on Pendle to make a certain comparison.

First, let’s compare the TVL of the protocols they are based on:

pancke TVL=1.44B

commute TVL=233M

The difference between the two is about 6 times

The income of PenPie and CakePie mainly comes from the daily token production of their corresponding protocols. Let’s analyze the daily token rewards generated between Pancake and Pendle, among which:

Pancake: Daily release volume is about 52915*coin price 2.2=116413 dollars

Pendle: Daily emissions are approximately $50,780

#Pancake The market value of the tokens released daily is approximately 2.23 times that of #Pendle

Based on this data, we simply average and calculate the future development value (FDV) ratio of CakePie to PenPie:

CakePie FDV /PenPie FDV =(6+2.2)/2 = 4.2倍

Whether it is the TVL of the basic protocol or the source of profit, CakePie has a greater advantage than PenPie, and there is a lot of room for imagination in market value. After communicating with the team, #IDO it should be in early December. You can pay attention to the price.

Whether it is the TVL of the basic protocol or the source of profit, CakePie has a greater advantage than PenPie, and there is a lot of room for imagination in market value. After communicating with the team, the IDO should be in early December. You can pay attention to the price.