Remember one sentence, knowledge is wealth. 99% of those who tell you that studying is useless have high education. The remaining 1% are either capable or financially free. Because they have it, they feel it is useless. Any ordinary person with ordinary education knows how important knowledge is when they are out of society. Education is important. Maybe some people say that they don’t feel anything when chatting with people with high education. Then you didn’t talk about professional knowledge. When you talk about some professions, at least you will find that they are not at the same level. Including in the currency circle, for example, a junior high school and high school graduate has been trading in currency for two or three years, and then a finance major has just entered the circle. You say you have experience, I will guide you, and then you will find that after a while, your professional knowledge is completely incomparable to his. In a word, you regret not having enough knowledge when you need it. #山寨币热点 #香港加密货币ETF #5月市场关键事件 #香港加密货币ETF