All the things that are too late are actually just in time. The market of the big cake in the day was basically a fluctuating downward trend in the first half of the day. After noon, the range of fluctuations was shrunk. The market basically fluctuated between 62,000 and 63,000. There were oranges in the day. Although there were slight mistakes at midnight, after the market slowly pulled back and forth, it was finally out of the game. Then the silk road was given for the evening trading. It was also successfully entered after the market rebounded. It is currently in a state of strength. Just keep holding and look down. In recent days, some friends have been telling me that this market makes people feel uncomfortable as if there are ants crawling on their bodies; the market is like this, there are winds, rains and sunshine. In essence, there is no bad market, only people who can't do the market. #BTC走势分析 #ETH #BTC $BTC $ETH $BNB

From the current structure of the market, the strength of the market is limited, and it has never been given a strong position. From the four-hour level, we can see that the market has begun to gradually decline after the shock and rise, but it is not obvious because it is moving slowly. The distance between the two strings of MACD DIF and DEA has gradually begun to expand. There is no problem with the overlap in the future. The Silk Road in the evening can be carried out around the kong.

Big cake: 62600-63000 kong, pay attention to 61500

Aunt: 3015-3025 kong, pay attention to 2940