Daily Report NO.053|May 8

1. $BTC etf. On May 7, etf had a net outflow of 15.64 million US dollars.

2. Sentiment index, FGI, 64, market sentiment declined.

3. BTC has 56 large transfers on the chain, which is extremely bearish; $ETH has 79 large transfers on the chain, which is extremely bearish.

4. The total TVL on the chain is 91.03B, down 1.42% in 24 hours

5. Current BTC market: 4H: Longs weakened for two consecutive cycles, bearish; 1H, shorts continued for 16 cycles.

Intraday direction: short.

Intraday pressure level: 62889, 63147

Intraday support level: 61750, 59406

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