#内容挖矿 The last 24 hours were all in the main trading time zone of the United States, so the data can better reflect a complete trading day. Last weekend, I said that the current data is similar to the bear market, which means that the fluctuation of#BTCon the chain is as small as in the bear market, and it does not represent the trend of the currency price.

More investors are still holding positions at prices between $57,000 and $62,000, and $64,000 to $65,000. These short-term traders are the main force that determines the current BTC price trend. More BTC is still concentrated in the two ranges of $63,000 and $66,000. The BTC stock at these two prices has exceeded 800,000 BTC, which is still a relatively solid support. At present, the stock of#BTCin the main chips of $63,500 to $68,500 is nearly 2 million, an increase of nearly 200,000 compared with last week. More investors still like to hold in this range, and investors who have already held positions in this range are not in a hurry to leave.

Judging from the current BTC holdings in exchanges, the purchasing power of spot ETFs recently can represent the purchasing power of American investors, so more BTC continues to be sold from exchanges. There is still 16,000 BTC space away from the lowest stock in nearly six years, which is about 1,000 BTC lower than the same period yesterday, indicating that the purchasing power at this position has signs of recovery. However, it should be confirmed that the market is still controlled by information. The current main sentiment is to bet on the Fed to cut interest rates at least twice. If there is a change in this area, it is likely to drive the trend of BTC and the overall currency market price, so we still need to pay more attention to macro data, especially the information about the Fed's interest rate cut.