Hi! Shuzi has brought you a new task.

The project is an open and free AIGC platform that creates infinite, adaptive and interactive experiences with your imagination and supported by artificial intelligence and blockchain technology.

Seize the opportunity, time waits for no one! $200

#dyor #空投


Open https://www.dreamworlds.site/airdrop-CN.html

Click on the upper right corner to connect your wallet, and then complete the corresponding tasks. If the interface description is consistent with mine, click Click here to participate


Click to join their community https://tG.me/dreamworlds_dmd_coin (It seems that there is a problem with the TG jump. If it shows that it cannot be accessed, please copy it to TG to open it)


Click to follow the official Twitter account. Enter the Twitter account ID you follow in the input box for verification


Click to forward their post and verify


Click to send the relevant tweets, return after sending, enter your Twitter ID and click Continue


The last task requires you to complete the above 4 tasks to be effective. Enter your SOL address and wait!


This airdrop mission has been introduced. Please follow me before leavingヾ(•ω•`)o