If you lose money, you lose money. What's the point of being afraid!!!

A fan wanted to start a company and seek partners, and asked me for advice. I told him that if you habitually take all the risks and give the profits to others, naturally many people will be willing to cooperate with you.

In the currency circle, isn't it the same? The fundamental reason why many people ask around is that they are unwilling to take risks, but in the end they have to face all the risks.

Look at the fluctuations in the price of coins. Whether it goes up or down, there will always be people who regret it...

In 2023, I often said that 99% of the projects in the currency circle are film bureaus, and Bitcoin should be the main investment. At that time, they thought that Bitcoin would not rise much, so they did not buy it...

In 2024, I told them to hold on to the altcoins and wait for the crazy bull market. They are still regretting that they did not sell at the peak last month, did not buy Bitcoin last year, and did not enter the currency circle the year before...

What's the use of regret?

Will the film return your coins to you? Or can you get back the coins you foolishly sold?

The Internet has cultivated many stupid people. The ups and downs of any currency are normal. When you see the currency rise, you can't wait to thank the project owner; once it falls, you start to insult. This stupid behavior is really ridiculous.

Compared with those who lose money in the contract and do not complain when the dog currency returns to zero, and are willing to accept wins and losses, those who are immersed in regret all day are undoubtedly weak.

The weak often have no independent opinions of their own, hardly learn, and always rely on inquiring about so-called insider information, listening to news and bragging to live.

Playing with coins is no big deal, what are you afraid of, the worst case is just zero.

On the contrary, if you become timid because of a few percentage points of ups and downs, then you will never be able to turn over in your life.

Be bolder, it's no big deal, and you won't die.

#AI板块强势进击 #BTC走势分析 #5月市场关键事件 #ETH #SOL

I am Lao Li, a fresh goods blogger who is optimistic about the future of the cryptocurrency circle

I am motivated to bring my fans to shore together. If you are interested, you can click on the avatar and follow

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