In a bull market, the opportunity to ambush skyrocketing coins seems to be easier than ever, but blindly chasing the rise may lead to being trapped at high levels or even missing out on the entire bull market.

In the repeated wash-out of the BTC market, what should we do except waiting impatiently? In fact, if you review the market in the cryptocurrency circle, you will find that 20% of the time, the cryptocurrency market is a so-called one-sided market, and 80% of the time, it is a volatile market.

Because it is rare to say which sector, which currency, or which stock has such a continuous upward trend. This does not exist. 20% of the time it is one-sided, and 80% of the time it is volatile. In other words, when you trade, you will face this volatile market most of the time. So for the volatile market, you must have a set of appropriate coping methods!

Although the bull market is generally rising, the speculation is still centered on the sector. And if a coin soars, it will drive the speculation of its sector.

Take the recently-taken AI sector as an example: Chong Ge has been talking about the integration of FET, AGIX, OCEAN and ASI since April. He has given a detailed explanation on Weibo live broadcast and official account, what is the integration of three currencies, which will drive the entire AI sector to take off!

Because it is the first time that three currencies have been merged in the cryptocurrency circle, and it is led by a five-year-old project! It must be a huge game! I told you many times in April that there were many opportunities to invest, but you didn’t pay attention when I told you. Now that it has risen, you ask if you can join in! Your situation is a typical case of chasing ups and downs!

There are opportunities everywhere in a bull market, but if you are greedy and want to grab them everywhere, it will not end well. On the contrary, as long as you catch the main rising wave of a sector, it is enough for you to make a lot of money. If you are lucky, you can catch the main rising wave of the sector rotation and the second wave, and you will make unimaginable wealth.

Hot sectors in the cryptocurrency world in the coming week! FET, AGIX, and OCEAN merged into ASI. Three currencies in one ASI "artificial super intelligence".

Binance report: Total cryptocurrency market value fell 11.3% in April

Last month, the total market value of the entire cryptocurrency fell by 11.3%. If you focus on the AI ​​track of the three-in-one currency and hold on firmly! Now your situation will be better than most people in the currency circle!

What makes this bull market different from previous ones is that there is more money, more people and more professional institutions.

So if you want to get your own wealth in this bull market, you still need to work with professionals. In the cryptocurrency circle, you need to keep your eyes open, what is the trend, what is the prediction, and what is the hindsight!

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