I was here thinking about how our ambition often prevents us from making money. 🤔

The other day, actually last week, I invested US$516 in $ONG , but I planned it wrong, because I wanted to earn "a lot". I calculated that a gain of US$200 would be excellent, and it would be, but I forgot to see how sensitive the market is.

After 3 or 4 days I saw my investment grow by just over US$100, which is generally my safe haven where I usually land, but the ambition was greater, as I wanted a profit of US$200.

Conclusion: Today my result is only US$ 45, and this deviates from my strategy of US$ 100 and is far from the US$ 200 that I wanted, that is, if I had left the operation with US$ 100, today I could be in another one looking for a few more bucks.

We are all ambitious and we must try to control this if we really want to make money.

Remember that little or much, it is always better for money to be in our wallet than in other people's wallets.

For a low investment, US$100 is a good return, even more so if it is weekly.

I wish prosperity in your life! 🙏