The way to change your destiny is to jump into the water, endure the choking, and learn to swim. The younger you are, the better. Just like a young eagle jumping off a cliff, it will either learn to fly or be thrown to death.

Working mentality and entrepreneurial thinking are two completely different dimensions of thinking.

There is a vacuum period between working and starting a business. This vacuum period is the period when no one understands you, no one helps you, and you are alone in the dark, taking root and growing. This hard time must be experienced.

The poison of working mentality lies in stability and comfort. Because you earn the boss's money, you will wait for death in your comfort zone over time.

The poison of entrepreneurial thinking lies in stimulation and ups and downs. Because you earn the market's money, starting a business is actively seeking death. As long as you have experienced the experience of earning the money earned by working for a year or several years in a day or a month, you will never think about working again. Be bolder, realize independence and make a living on the market as soon as possible, break away from the original family thinking, endure the suffocation of the vacuum period, and constantly break away from the comfort zone. Financial independence is the premise of independent thinking. When thinking jumps out, life will be truly free.

As an investor who has been working in the cryptocurrency world for many years, I am willing to share my experience and insights with you. If you are interested in the cryptocurrency world but don't know where to start, you may wish to follow my homepage and discuss the mysteries of the cryptocurrency world and future possibilities with me
