Posting in the square is accumulating digital assets! ! !

When I started to post in the square, I read the short article of Ai Lao Hu You seeking attention.

He said that posting in the square is very important for "continuously reaching the scene". He would output 20 short thoughts every day in places such as the planet, without interruption.

So, I started to post 3 square posts every day at my own pace.

Most of the materials for square posts come from the inspiration I got from reading books and reading public account articles.

Even if it is just a few short sentences, it takes me more than ten or twenty minutes to complete each time.

Although the process of continuous thinking is somewhat difficult for me, I am very serious.

After posting for two months, I obviously feel that my thinking ability has become stronger and the speed of writing is faster.

At that time, many people also gave me feedback, saying that reading my square posts was very inspiring.

Although I know that posting in the square has many benefits, I have also received positive feedback.

But I didn't really pay attention to it, and I took the mentality of not sleeping until I finished it to keep outputting every day.

The result is that when I am a little busy, I reduce the number of square posts, and sometimes I don't post at all.

This kind of intermittent posting results in no way to achieve continuous reach, let alone monetization.

It was not until I saw that teacher Ai Lao Hu You Qiu Zhuan really got huge benefits from posting that I realized how important posting is.

He posted 5 square posts day after day, from only two people liking them at the beginning to many people liking each one now.

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