Accepting fate is the real enlightenment

Recognize the limits of your own ability and have fewer fantasies.

A fan sent a private message to tell him how his work is now,

how much free time he has, with an annual salary of more than one million, and he doesn't spend much.

He can also recognize his own ability and want to enter this market to play.

Ask me if it's okay.

My suggestion is no.

Since you are a person who relies on work to make a living

It proves that you are at least not suitable for trading at present

If you are suitable, you will not go to work, and you must be engaged in all things with high risk preference.

Then you work and trade

You are likely to lose this job

If you make money, you think this salary is meaningless

If you lose money, you think your job is even more meaningless

What you lose is not only this job

But also the joys, sorrows, anger, and happiness of normal people and the value system of normal people

You can't guarantee that you can continue to be stable and rely on trading for wealth and freedom

Since you want stability, it determines a person's aversion to risk.

Accepting fate and going to work is also a kind of enlightenment.
