Summary of the Buffett Shareholders Meeting: Buffett recognizes Bitcoin

1. Berkshire Hathaway has reduced its holdings of Apple by 13%. Apple (probably) will continue to be Berkshire Hathaway's largest holding.

2. The power of compound interest is the most underestimated power in the world.

3. Don't check the stock price every day.

4. Don't try to predict the market.

5. The market is for you. Use it to your own advantage.

6. Benjamin Graham's "The Intelligent Investor" is the best investment book ever.

7. Anyone who says that scale does not affect performance is fooling you.

8. Charlie's two best investments may be BYD and Costco.

9. The best time to sell a good company is (almost) never.

10. Geico is still a great business. The company has made progress in data analysis.

11. Always be with people you respect and trust.

12. Be a lifelong learner.

13. Every investor makes mistakes, the key is to see how you deal with them.

14. Think from the end. Make (investment) decisions based on what will make you happy when you die.

15. Greg Abel will (probably) become the next CEO of Berkshire Hathaway.

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