Crypto Space really ran marathons this spring.

When i came along.

First as a spectator, later as a stakeholder.

For myself i started out on Binance holding some $SOL from last season, when the meme fiesta started.

That way i started trading more and more on Solana, got a Phantom wallet and got hooked into token launches, pre-sales, rugpulls, wallet drains and other scams.

I learned to how to differ and be cautious.

Luckily lost only 60$ on a test wallet, but it still ruined my day a bit.

Was actually my moms birthday. lols

Next thing i reactivated my Twitter Account, i know they went into adult entertainment with that X branding, but i still call it Twittter.

I sat in spaces til 5 am listening to people from Hong Kong or Philipines. Found some Alpha, Lost some sleep.

Traded meme coins for fun, lost some money, searched for better things.

Made 50$ on a Binance airdrop by clicking 4 buttons.

So i started doing every quest i could find.

Started some Account on other exchanges. and did all of their quests too.

Lost 200$ in Eth fees.

Looked for cheaper networks and found Solana NFTs.

Came across Galxe and Zealy spend weeks doing airdrop quests.

None with Eth gas tho.

Eventually found Blast airdrop. First thought it was bs cuz bridging costed a fortune in ETH fee. Found Rhino Swap tho and tried it. Found SynFutures LP staking with 100%+ APY.

Made some gooood money in a safe way.

Eventually found Captain & Company, play2earn airdrop.

Minted my first ETH NFTs on Minitify. Sold it wayy too early.

But there were more to mint. Made my first 3x, first 10x, first 50x and some pocket money mints.

But the feeling was awesome.

It was a great year so far.

I learned soooo much.

And it started on Binance.

On Square with #Write2Earn that i started researching and obsessing into tons of new crypto knowledge.

Im so thankful for everything.

If anyone read until here

gm, youre the best!