Author: NingNing

CARV initially gave people the impression that it was just a Web3 game version of the DID protocol + Galxe task platform with super financing capabilities. Now CARV has evolved into a modular data layer built for games and AI.

How did this happen? In fact, this is not the path planned in the CARV white paper, but a result of the co-evolution of the project with gamers and the industry system environment.

For example, the product verification concept of CARV comes from Vitalik's primitive about decentralized society (DeSoc): SBT. In fact, at the end of the last bull market cycle (Q4 of 21), there were many fellow travelers of CARV. Well-known projects include Web3 social protocol CyberConnect, Lens Protocol, Farcaster, etc.

After a round of proof of concept in the bear market cycle, the concept of SBT has basically been proven to be a pseudo-user demand in the Web3 social field. On Web3 social protocol clients such as CyberConnect, Lens Protocol, and Farcaster, active users are composed of a large number of airdrop witches and some niche subculture communities. Almost no one in these user groups cares about the grand narrative of DeSoc and the technical primitive SBT.

CARV cleverly chose a product instantiation path that is different from the above protocols, and chose to start from the decentralized game ID protocol. This is because new technical primitives such as SBT and DID have a minimal marginal improvement in user experience, but the marginal improvement in the commercial value of product-side data is exponential.

SBT and DID can upgrade the dimensionality of user data, transforming it from a data table with a key-value pair structure into a dynamic multi-dimensional matrix, with new features such as trust, sovereignty, privacy, and assetization.

Currently, the only well-known Web3 protocols that have seen this are WorldCoin and CARV, but they have different paths, scenarios, and goals.

WorldCoin's path is $WLD token subsidy + ZK privacy protection, the scenarios are financial accounts and UBI, and the goal is to become the financial infrastructure in the AI ​​era.

CARV's path is $SOUL airdrop + game achievement task system + game community atmosphere. The scenario is the game and AI application distribution channel. The goal is to become a modular data layer built for games and AI applications.

So, how does CARV construct a dynamic multidimensional matrix of data? We can observe the whole process from the CARV life cycle of one piece of data:

  • Data generation and consumption: application layer (CARV Play, CARV AI Agent, CARV oAuth, CARV Portal, CARV SDK, third-party applications);

  • Data sovereignty: ID layer (Web2 ID, KYC, DID, ERC7231, CARV Link, on-chain declaration, third-party verification);

  • Data storage: storage layer (CARV DB, GreenField, Eigenlayer AVS, IPFS);

  • Data privacy: computing & training layer (TEE);

  • Data assetization: execution layer (Ethereum, Solana, Cosmos ecosystem, Ethereum L2, etc.);

  • Data credibility: verification layer (CARV verification node network).

When an ordinary piece of user data is processed by the application layer - ID layer - storage layer - computing & training layer - execution layer - verification layer, it becomes high-value data, just like black iron is tempered into fine steel.

Currently, the CARV ecosystem has 2.5 million gamers and 750+ games & AI applications, generating millions of high-value data each month. This provides the prerequisite for CARV to obtain an average monthly revenue of $1 million on the B-side.

When the market entered May, after PointFi (points-based trading)'s asset operation gameplay showed signs of failure, DePin/node mining (dividend-based trading)'s asset operation gameplay began to emerge. Compared with PointFi, DePin/node mining project owners and investors are more likely to reach a positive equilibrium situation of (3, 3).

With the brilliant record of Aethir, a partner, who earned $65 million in one hour by selling nodes as an example, CARV also keeps pace with the times and plans to sell the network nodes of the verification layer. CARV's node sales plan is basically consistent with the price tiering mechanism of Gala and XAI.

Investors who purchase CARV nodes can participate in the trusted verification network of CARV data and receive CARV token rewards.