You can pay attention to this wealth code PENDLE. The current price is 5.2047. If the market does not crash, you can enter the market now to make a wave of long orders. If it breaks through 5.263, the target is: 5.461-5.756. Reduce positions and close positions. Remember to observe the market. If the market does not crash, just hold it. Don't panic. This is a strong variety. Pay attention to this.

Follow me, live broadcast every day, only recommend accurate entry points, and even novices can master the wealth code!

If there is a spot quilt or a variety needs to be analyzed, fans who are more anxious can find me on the homepage. Square is busy and has fans to teach, so I have posted fewer articles recently. If the number of fans reaches 1,000, I will broadcast live on Square to share the wealth code with you every day