After the big drop, the old and the new alternate. Take a look at the new trends in the 8 crypto ecosystems.

After every big drop, the iron curtain of the old and the new alternates, and at the same time, it is the opening of other projects "the young here are all chapters". What we have to do is to treat investment seriously and carefully select.

In fact, the rhythm is the same every time, but the protagonist is changed: some projects basically ended the bull market journey before 519 in 21, and a lot of time was used to return to the previous high, such as DeFi, DOGE, BNB, DOT, MATIC represented by UNI.

After 519, some projects are still as fierce as teenagers, and have taken a long wave, which is 5-10X of the high before 519. It was not until December 21 that it peaked, such as SOL, LUNA, SHIB, AXS, SAND, etc. So what are you observing from a personal perspective after this big drop?  

1. SOL and its ecology, there is not much to say, you can never wake up a person who pretends to sleep.

2. SAGA and its ecosystem, modular L1, with its own ecosystem Buff, still faces challenges in importing customers, let's see when the critical point will come.

3. SUI and its ecosystem, the technology is beyond doubt, MOVE and other L1s face severe difficulties in importing customers, the long-term DAU is 2-5W, and the gap is getting bigger and bigger compared with SOL/BNB's DAU of 1 million, and new things and new brands are far less attractive to ordinary users than expected. Don't live on Twitter, live on the fundamentals of the project. Sometimes you feel so hot and popular, maybe it's just that there are more topics in your group/where you are. Once you check the on-chain data, thousands of people around the world are playing, just playing house.

4. Clob order book. AMM's mission has been completed, high-capacity L1 needs better adaptability DEX, and the competition is also fierce. UNI's V5 seems to be an order book; which one will come out of Drift/Hyperliquid/RabbitX, etc.? Does dual-token Purr have a chance?

5. What will SocialFi become? What kind of crypto-native experience will $Friend /Fantasy/DistrictOne bring? How to expand the scale and retention is what SocialFi needs to explore further.

6. Will new AI projects have opportunities? When will they generate positive revenue?

$NMT $DEAI $NOS We have seen that the US stock market is harsh and picky about the performance of AI companies, and will also give great rewards for real performance. Cryptocurrency AI will also have revenue. The question is how to expand the scale and build a moat.

7. RWA is indeed one of the PMF roads. You should stand up when you are beaten. I don’t know how to select it. It requires collective wisdom $MKR $RIO.

8. MEME You think the MEME you bought has been rising all the way, but it is actually very bumpy. You only see the results and ignore the torture of the holding process (the grinding $STAN/ $MONK / $GIGA). Recently, it is quite interesting to see the dispute between the community cat representative $POPCAT/ $MICHI and the VC cat during the Elvis King competition. At present, the pure community MEME has won, and the anti-VC wind has blown to MEME.


#RWA #Meme币你看好哪一个? #Saga #BNB币