Common scams
1. Twitter message fraud, impersonating official Twitter account

2. Address airdrop junk NFT and token scam

There are a lot of airdrops at this address for no apparent reason. If everyone recognizes that they are valuable, then that’s fine, but most of them are garbage.

3. Spam

It happened once before. A friend of mine was defrauded of millions of dollars by an email pretending to be an official one. The email was verified to be official. But he was still deceived.

4. Spam private messages

Don't click on any of the private messages from Twitter, DC, TG, etc. that come to you for no reason, or any of the weird links in Maoming.

5. Fake credit limit

If you believe the quota of some high-quality projects, you will definitely not get your principal back. You can make money yourself, why give it to you?

6. High-quality interviews

For example, I don't believe any interviews claiming to be from Forbes, Yahoo Finance, or Nasdaq.

7. Fake links

Various links, project links, conference links, authorization links, etc., all with caution! ! ! !

8. Pixiu Plate

Don't be blinded by the meme. It is recommended to check the contract through tools first, and then decide whether to buy. Some are Pixiu disks, which only go up and never go down. Because you can only buy, not sell.

9. Fake apps, downloaded through stores

Do not download apps from Baidu at will. Apps must be downloaded through official channels.

10. Direct donation

A few days ago, something called "Breast Coin" was posted by a KOL pretending to be a beauty. Some young people were fooled by it and were defrauded of hundreds of thousands of dollars.

11. Official account stolen

Some projects may not be officially released, they may be stolen, ton official was stolen, and then pretend to be officially released meme

12. Celebrity and KOL scams

The previous wave of Bao Erye, Xue Manzi, Sun Ge and others

Don't touch the projects of the people in this rap song

VT has a car that can accelerate from 0 to 100 km/h in just seven seconds

Pokee drinks champagne in Singapore overlooking the night view

Big Brother moved into a Los Angeles mansion

Doodles new house sold for millions of dollars. Thank God for his gift at church on Saturday.

Goblin's team celebrates the purchase of a manor in Australia

Robby drives a Maybach and eats lobster

ZKasino earns hundreds of thousands of lido interest every day

Fuck the wildest Dubai

13. Pledge fraud

It is difficult to withdraw money. The cryptocurrency I bought at a high price has been pledged. The price I bought has fallen, and the pledged airdrops are worthless.

14. Money lending scam

Don't borrow money.

15. Exchange scams

Garbage exchange, difficult to withdraw money

Touch at most 2-tier exchanges, and don’t touch the rest

17. They cheat people out of money by being sexy. Many KOLs are just picky people.

Don't get carried away by these kols, many of them are matrix accounts, professionally doing this

Fraud prevention guide

1. Install auxiliary plug-ins

Twitter Anti-Phishing Links

1) Install the scam sniffer anti-phishing plug-in


2) Install the Twitter Notes plugin and add notes to the projects you are working on or following


Twitter Notes Plugin:…

The above steps are not an either/or choice, you have to do them all!

2. Be vigilant and do not do anything you believe in.

3. If you encounter asset loss, abandon the account immediately and find out the reason. If you can't find it, clean up all the hardware, software, and accounts.

How to prevent wallet assets from being stolen

Here are some methods that you can choose according to your needs.

1) Do not share keys

I saw a post before about using one mnemonic phrase to generate multiple accounts. I don’t recommend this because you may be caught in the same trap.

2) Key storage offline

Because now there are many clipboard tools and input methods that will upload your clipboard records to the cloud. If you copy them directly, if the cloud leaks, your key will be lost. My suggestion is to copy it into a notebook as soon as it is generated. Of course, when copying it into a notebook, you can also refer to my dictionary encryption of the key, such as replacing a with 1, b with 2, and 1 with a. This ensures that even if someone sees your paper key, they cannot touch your digital assets.

3) Development and testing are separated (airdrop and main account are isolated)

Install 2 browsers, one can be Chrome and the other can be Brave. One can manage your main wallet. The other can participate in receiving airdrops, various on-chain operations, etc.

4) Do not download software from unknown sources

Don't use Baidu to download software from unknown sources. I have seen cases where people went bankrupt after downloading pirated metamask. You must download from a regular address. If possible, you can refer to Google Play, Chrome Web Store, etc.

5) Check your authorization now

The following are some websites to check. Debank is not open source, but the UI interaction is better. There will be open source ones later. You can make your own decision.
As shown in the picture, it is basically infinite.
Every time you call up MetaMask, be sure to check the authorization twice. Don’t click on the authorization button mindlessly like I did now.
6) Confirm the security of the contract before authorization
You can use SlowMist's contract audit function.
You can also check whether the contract is open source. If it is, you need to confirm whether the contract is an upgradeable contract, etc.
7) Be careful when taking advantage of airdrops and benefits
Use a small account to collect it, don’t use a big account, you can set the limit when authorizing!!!
8) Be wary of social engineering intrusions and strangers who privately message you on Discord
For example, on Discord or Telegram, someone will tell you that they will help you make money and get airdrops, and ask you to install the software they sent you and log in. In this case, 99.99% of the time, you will lose all your money. Your account will be stolen.

In particular, in Discord, when you enter the official Discord of NFT, someone will chat with you privately, telling you that you have been whitelisted, and attach a mint link. The scammer will change the avatar and name to look like the official one, but in fact, they will add you to a group to achieve this. In fact, as long as you are not greedy, this scam is quite easy to spot. Generally, they will tell you to mint within a few hours, the number is 1-10. Many popular projects have a whitelist mint of one or two, but this one has a maximum of 10 and a time limit.

Also, there will be scammers who will imitate the official website of the project to create a fake website, and send private messages to people in the project server to ask them to mint.

There are also friends who bought fake NFTs on opensea and later found out that they were not official. Then after a few days, the NFT disappeared from the account, but the money had already been deducted... (How did you find out? Look at the chain and the official discord posted the official Opensea website)
There is also a fake that steals wallet passwords, airdrops to big Vs and claims that big Vs bought that NFT/token.

Projects that can be taken
1. Coinbase and multicoin investment:

Registration link:

Invitation code: 2BSH2C

2. The only project invested by zksync

Registration link:

Invite code: KISQ5J9