5.6 Monday BTC / ETH trend analysis and operation suggestions

The current price of Bitcoin is 64100 and Ethereum is 3150. Today is Monday again, brothers. After the May Day holiday, we are going to continue trading. During the May Day holiday, we still found a low position to get the spot up, and the position is also quite nice. Everyone continue to hold it. The next step is to see whether the weekly line this week meets expectations! The current weekly line is still in a oscillating position, there is no downward trend, and there is no strong bullish position, so we have to wait here, and wait for a downward trend in the next two days!

Bitcoin has 4 consecutive positives on the daily line, and the indicator has a low golden cross, and the upward turn is in line with our previous expectations! It also stepped back on the daily line's EMA99, and it will be regarded as a rebound for the time being. If it continues to fail to stand at 64500, I will remind everyone when we should reduce our positions! At present, we need to wait to see whether the trend meets expectations, and see how to get out of the weekly line! Then operate! Bitcoin's short-term pressure level is 64500 65600 and its support level is 62500 61800.

For Ethereum, there is not much independent market here, and it still follows the trend. The short-term pressure level is 3230 3320 and the support level is 3068 2939. I have been telling you that if you have a position, hold it. If you don't have a position, I will remind you! For other small coins, just follow the strategy. Long-term ones will be sold at the right position, and short-term ones will still be in waves! #BTC走势分析 #ETH