[Market Research Report on May 6th - The small-level bottom has risen, but there is also a divergence. Is it a divergence digested by stagflation? Or a high-level sideways breakthrough? How to intervene in the breakthrough order? If Bitcoin breaks through the existing 6.68 expectation, where should Ethereum wait? 】



The weekly line closed positive, and it can maintain sideways this week. The cottage will rebound. Find some cottage opportunities to play short-term

[The cottage season has not come yet. The position is as said the day before yesterday. The fifth layer does not move. The position is increased at 5.7 and is greater than the reduction point of the fifth layer]

1h divergence appeared. The two days are also callbacks around this pressure. The support is still the key support of 6.25

At present, as I said yesterday, there is no direction here. The direction of the 6.3-6.45 range can be used as a direction judgment

Break through 6.45 and step back to the range to do more. There is no volume to digest the divergence. Just wait at the pressure level. Every opportunity to rush up is also an opportunity for a short-term callback

If it falls below 6.3, we will expect to step back to the support range of 6-5.85 and wait for the second test of support

Just closed the weekly line: Nearby pressure is still 6.45

Pressure 6.45 6.58 6.65

Support 6.3 6.15 6

2. ETH

Ether The idea has not changed [The only thing to note is that the low point is raised, the high point is higher, the pressure is relatively large, and the upward space is exerted, but the overall trend is still oscillating upward]

Since the structure has not changed, then maintain yesterday's view, it is still a bullish structure, and do a pullback or pressure level

Pressure: 3250 3350

[The key position above the channel is 3366 and the key position below the channel is 2666]

Daily thinking: 1h level divergence needs to be digested sideways

So the intraday trading is in the range of 3180-3080

Support 3080 2960

3. Shanzhai

ETHFI AVAX ETC Everyone has their own ideas. Don't be lazy to check it out in the square.

Doge is still the view of the day before yesterday. Ignore the news. Don't chase it here. Continue to wait according to the positions given. Don't rush to buy if there is no opportunity.

Don't buy when there is a callback. If you force it to rise, it is easy to hurt yourself.