🚨 The Ministry of Treasury and Finance has come to an end regarding the taxation of cryptocurrencies. According to backstage news, the planning is as follows:

⚡️ By making a regulation in VUK, a special asset class will be created for crypto assets, NFTs, tokens and other digital assets of a similar nature by introducing the provision of "Digital Asset Income".

⚡️ By making a regulation in the Expense Taxes Law, digital assets will be classified according to their types and will be subject to Transaction Tax. Stable coins, like foreign exchange transactions, have a rate of 2 per thousand; #Bitcoin    and altcoins will be subject to BITT at a rate of 2 per thousand, like gold. Exchange rate differences and value increases will not be taxed. This tax will be deducted at the source by banks or crypto brokerage firms and transferred to the Treasury.

⚡️ Tokens will be taxed like stocks.

⚡️ The gains earned by the investor will also be taxed like income from the rental of intangible assets (GVK article 70/5). The tax will be deducted from the earnings by banks or intermediary institutions and transferred to the Treasury through the method of deduction at source, which we call withholding tax.

⚡️ It is said that the regulation will be completed and presented to the Parliament in the summer months and that it is planned to become law before the Parliament goes on recess.

GVK M70.5

Exploration, operation and privilege rights and licenses, patent warrants (earnings arising from the rental of patent patents by the inventors or legal heirs are self-employment earnings), trademarks, trademarks, trade names, all kinds of technical drawings, patterns, models, plans and cinema and Rights such as television films, audio and video tapes, the right to use or privilege on a secret formula or a manufacturing method with information related to experience gained in the fields of industry, commerce and science (The costs of materials and equipment required for the use of these rights are also considered as real estate capital income. .);