#Time flies, time flies. With the end of the May Day holiday, this week has also come to an end. I don't know why I suddenly feel a little dazed, as if Monday was yesterday. Let's get back to the topic. Looking at the overall market of this week, the trend of the week can still be summarized in four words: first suppress and then rise, and the shape has taken a big V-shaped trend. The high point of the week was 64700, and the low point was 56537. It can be said that it was also a week with large fluctuations. Looking at the arrangement of this week's Buju, it is generally still mainly based on Duo, because the Duodan of the previous trend was biased towards Buju also gave a few bamboo shoots, and the later trend of Duotou was in high spirits. Of course, we also followed the trend and stood on the crest of Duotou. Duodan also took the power again and again. I feel that this kind of market during the week is really too simple to take the power, provided that the direction is right. At present, the market has risen to around 64000, and the bullish volume is strong and there is still a certain space above. There is no problem in the short term. #BTC走势分析 #ETH #BTC $BTC $ETH $BNB

This week has its gains and losses, but of course the gains are greater than the losses, which is also a very normal state. Compared with last week, this week's strength has been multiplied. The market has been ups and downs, and so is life. This week, the big cake has a total strength of 19127 points, and the concubine has a total strength of 791. The specific situation of each day is also shown in the attached figure. I have never felt how strong I am. It is just that there are people beyond people and there are heavens beyond heavens. I have always been holding a humble heart to learn. The road is long and arduous, and I will seek up and down.